View and Manage Indicators

Indicators are generated automatically from ingested sources. For more information about information on this page, see Indicator Summary Information.


Step 1

Choose Intelligence > Sources.

Step 2

Click Indicators.

Step 3

View your current indicators:

  • To filter the indicators displayed on the page, click Filter (filter icon). For more information, see Filter Threat Intelligence Director Data in Table Views.

  • To view additional details about an indicator (including associated observables), click the indicator name. For more information, see Indicator Details.

  • In the Incidents column, click the number to view information about incidents associated with an indicator, or hover the cursor over Incidents to view whether the incidents are fully- or partially-realized.

  • To determine whether threat intelligence director finished ingesting an indicator from the source, view the Status column.

Step 4

Manage your current indicators: