Port Rule Conditions

Port conditions allow you to control traffic by its source and destination ports.

Minimize the number of matching criteria whenever possible, especially those for security zones, network objects, and port objects. When you specify multiple criteria, the system must match against every combination of the contents of the criteria you specify.

Best Practices for Port-Based Rules

Specifying ports is the traditional way to target applications. However, applications can be configured to use unique ports to bypass access control blocks. Thus, whenever possible, use application filtering criteria rather than port criteria to target traffic.

Application filtering is also recommended for applications, like threat defense, that open separate channels dynamically for control vs. data flow. Using port-based access control rules can prevent these kinds of applications from performing correctly, and could result in blocking desirable connections.

Using Source and Destination Port Constraints

If you add both source and destination port constraints, you can only add ports that share a single transport protocol (TCP or UDP). For example, if you add DNS over TCP as a source port, you can add Yahoo Messenger Voice Chat (TCP) as a destination port but not Yahoo Messenger Voice Chat (UDP).

If you add only source ports or only destination ports, you can add ports that use different transport protocols. For example, you can add both DNS over TCP and DNS over UDP as source port conditions in a single access control rule.