Global Sensitive Data Detection Options

Global sensitive data options are policy-specific and apply to all data types.


Replaces with Xs all but the last four digits of credit card numbers and Social Security numbers in the triggering packet. The masked numbers appear in the intrusion event packet view in the web interface and in downloaded packets.


Specifies the destination host or hosts to monitor for sensitive data. You can specify a single IP address, address block, or a comma-separated list of either or both. The system interprets a blank field as any, meaning any destination IP address.

Global Threshold

Specifies the total number of all occurrences of all data types during a single session that the preprocessor must detect in any combination before generating a global threshold event. You can specify 1 through 65535.

Cisco recommends that you set the value for this option higher than the highest threshold value for any individual data type that you enable in your policy.

Note the following points regarding global thresholds:

  • You must enable preprocessor rule 139:1 to detect and generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets on combined data type occurrences.

  • The preprocessor generates up to one global threshold event per session.

  • Global threshold events are independent of individual data type events; that is, the preprocessor generates an event when the global threshold is reached, regardless of whether the event threshold for any individual data type has been reached, and vice versa.