History for Configuration Deployment


Minimum Management Center

Minimum Threat Defense


View and generate reports on configuration changes since your last deployment.




You can generate, view, and download (as a zip file) the following reports on configuration changes since your last deployment:

  • A policy changes report for each device that previews the additions, changes, or deletions in the policy, or the objects that are to be deployed on the device.

  • A consolidated report that categorizes each device based on the status of policy changes report generation.

This is especially useful after you upgrade threat defense devices, so that you can see the changes made by the upgrade before you deploy.

New/modified screens: Deploy > Advanced Deploy.

See: Download Policy Changes Report for Multiple Devices

Generate and email a report when you deploy configuration changes.



You can now generate a report for any deployment.

New/modified screens: Deploy > Deployment History(deployment history icon) icon > More(more icon)Generate Report