PAT Pool Object Guidelines
When creating network objects for a PAT pool, follow these guidelines.
For a PAT pool
Ports are mapped to an available port in the 1024 to 65535 range. You can optionally include the reserved ports, those below 1024, to make the entire port range available for translations.
When operating in a cluster, blocks of 512 ports per address are allocated to the members of the cluster, and mappings are made within these port blocks. If you also enable block allocation, the ports are distributed according to the block allocation size, whose default is also 512. If you change the cluster unit limit (the size of the cluster), ensure that you clear xlates or reboot the devices so that PAT pools can be appropriately reallocated to the cluster units.
If you enable block allocation for a PAT pool, port blocks are allocated in the 1024-65535 range only. Thus, if an application requires a low port number (1-1023), it might not work. For example, an application requesting port 22 (SSH) will get a mapped port within the range of 1024-65535 and within the block allocated to the host.
If you use the same PAT pool object in two separate rules, then be sure to specify the same options for each rule. For example, if one rule specifies extended PAT, then the other rule must also specify extended PAT.
If a host has an existing connection, then subsequent connections from that host use the same PAT IP address. If no ports are available, this can prevent the connection. Use the round robin option to avoid this problem.
For best performance, limit the number of IP addresses within a PAT pool to 10,000.
For extended PAT for a PAT pool
Many application inspections do not support extended PAT.
If you enable extended PAT for a dynamic PAT rule, then you cannot also use an address in the PAT pool as the PAT address in a separate static NAT with port translation rule. For example, if the PAT pool includes, then you cannot create a static NAT-with-port-translation rule using as the PAT address.
If you use a PAT pool and specify an interface for fallback, you cannot specify extended PAT.
For VoIP deployments that use ICE or TURN, do not use extended PAT. ICE and TURN rely on the PAT binding to be the same for all destinations.
You cannot use extended PAT on units in a cluster.
Extended PAT increases memory usage on the device.
For round robin for a PAT pool
If a host has an existing connection, then subsequent connections from that host will use the same PAT IP address if ports are available. However, this “stickiness” does not survive a failover. If the device fails over, then subsequent connections from a host might not use the initial IP address.
IP address “stickiness” is also impacted if you mix PAT pool/round robin rules with interface PAT rules on the same interface. For any given interface, choose either a PAT pool or interface PAT; do not create competing PAT rules.
Round robin, especially when combined with extended PAT, can consume a large amount of memory. Because NAT pools are created for every mapped protocol/IP address/port range, round robin results in a large number of concurrent NAT pools, which use memory. Extended PAT results in an even larger number of concurrent NAT pools.