Port Syntax in Intrusion Rules

The system uses a specific type of syntax to define the port numbers used in rule headers.


The system ignores port definitions in an intrusion rule header when the protocol is set to ip.

You can list ports by separating the ports with commas, as shown in the following example:

80, 8080, 8138, 8600-9000, !8650-8675

Optionally, the following example shows how you can surround a port list with brackets, which was required in previous software versions but is no longer required:

[80, 8080, 8138, 8600-9000, !8650-8675]

Note that you must surround negated port lists in brackets, as shown in the following example:

![20, 22, 23]

The following table summarizes the syntax you can use:

Source/Destination Port Syntax

To Specify...



any port



a specific port

the port number


a range of ports

a dash between the first and last port number in the range


all ports less than or equal to a specific port

a dash before the port number


all ports greater than or equal to a specific port

a dash after the port number


all ports except a specific port or range of ports

the ! character before the port, port list, or range of ports you want to negate

Note that you can logically use negation with all port designations except any, which if negated would indicate no port.


all ports defined by a port variable

the variable name, in uppercase letter, preceded by $


all ports except ports defined by a port variable

the variable name, in uppercase letter, preceded by !$