Add a VLAN Subinterface for Container Instances

You can add between 250 and 500 VLAN subinterfaces to the chassis, depending on your network deployment. You can add up to 500 subinterfaces to your chassis.

For multi-instance clustering, you can only add subinterfaces to the Cluster-type interface; subinterfaces on data interfaces are not supported.

VLAN IDs per interface must be unique, and within a container instance, VLAN IDs must be unique across all assigned interfaces. You can reuse VLAN IDs on separate interfaces as long as they are assigned to different container instances. However, each subinterface still counts towards the limit even though it uses the same ID.

This document discusses FXOS VLAN subinterfaces only. You can separately create subinterfaces within the threat defense application. For more information on when to use FXOS subinterfaces vs. application subinterfaces, see FXOS Interfaces vs. Application Interfaces.


Step 1

Choose Interfaces to open the All Interfaces tab.

The All Interfaces tab shows a visual representation of the currently installed interfaces at the top of the page and provides a listing of the installed interfaces in the table below.

Step 2

Click Add New > Subinterface to open the Add Subinterface dialog box.

Step 3

Choose the interface Type:

See Interface Types for details about interface type usage.

  • Data

  • Data-sharing

  • Cluster—If you add subinterfaces to a Cluster interface, you cannot use that interface for a native cluster.

For Data and Data-sharing interfaces: The type is independent of the parent interface type; you can have a Data-sharing parent and a Data subinterface, for example.

Step 4

Choose the parent Interface from the drop-down list.

You cannot add a subinterface to a physical interface that is currently allocated to a logical device. If other subinterfaces of the parent are allocated, you can add a new subinterface as long as the parent interface itself is not allocated.

Step 5

Enter a Subinterface ID, between 1 and 4294967295.

This ID will be appended to the parent interface ID as interface_id.subinterface_id. For example, if you add a subinterface to Ethernet1/1 with the ID of 100, then the subinterface ID will be: Ethernet1/1.100. This ID is not the same as the VLAN ID, although you can set them to match for convenience.

Step 6

Set the VLAN ID between 1 and 4095.

Step 7

Click OK.

Expand the parent interface to view all subinterfaces under it.