Assign Licenses to Multiple Managed Devices

Devices managed by the management center obtain their licenses via the management center, not directly from the Smart Software Manager.

Use this procedure to enable licensing on multiple devices at once.


For container instances on the same security module/engine, you apply the license to each instance; note that the security module/engine consumes only one license per feature for all instances on the security module/engine.


For the threat defense cluster, you apply the licenses to the cluster as a whole; note that each unit in the cluster consumes a separate license per feature.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Licenses > Smart Licenses or Specific Licenses.

Step 2

Click Edit Licenses.

Step 3

For each type of license you want to add to a device:

  1. Click the tab for that type of license.

  2. Click a device in the list on the left.

  3. Click Add to move that device to the list on the right.

  4. Repeat for each device to receive that type of license.

    For now, don't worry about whether you have licenses for all of the devices you want to add.

  5. Repeat this subprocedure for each type of license you want to add.

  6. To remove a license, click the Delete (delete icon) next to the device.

  7. Click Apply.

You can select a cluster and assign any license to all nodes of a cluster.

What to do next

Verify that your licenses are correctly installed. Follow the procedure in Monitoring Smart Licenses.