Excluding Appliances from Health Monitoring

You can exclude appliances individually or by group, model, or associated health policy.

If you need to set the events and health status for an individual appliance to disabled, you can exclude the appliance. After the exclusion settings take effect, the appliance shows as disabled in the Health Monitor Appliance Module Summary, and health events for the appliance have a status of disabled.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Health > Exclude.

Step 2

Click Add Device.

Step 3

In the Device Exclusion dialog box, under Available Devices, click Add (add icon) against the device that you want to exclude from health monitoring.

Step 4

Click Exclude. The selected device is displayed in the exclusion main page.

Step 5

To remove the device from the exclusion list, click Delete (delete icon).

Step 6

Click Apply.

What to do next

To exclude individual health policy modules on appliances, see Excluding Health Policy Modules.