Creating an SNMP User for Firepower 1000


This procedure only applies to the Firepower 1000.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management.

Step 2

Click SNMP.

Step 3

In the SNMP Users Configuration area, click Add.

Step 4

In the SNMP User Configuration dialog box, complete the following fields:

Name Description

Username field

The username assigned to the SNMP user.

Enter up to 32 letters or numbers. The name must begin with a letter and you can also specify _ (underscore), . (period), @ (at sign), and - (hyphen).

Auth Algorithm Type field

The authorization type: SHA.

Use AES-128 checkbox

If checked, this user uses AES-128 encryption.


SNMPv3 does not support DES. If you leave the AES-128 box unchecked, no privacy encryption will be done and any configured privacy password will have no effect.

Authentication Password field

The password for the user.

Confirm field

The password again for confirmation purposes.

Encryption Password field

The privacy password for the user.

Confirm field

The privacy password again for confirmation purposes.

Step 5

Click OK to close the SNMP User Configuration dialog box.

Step 6

Click Save.