Log Into the Command-Line Interface on the Device

You can log directly into the command-line interface on threat defense devices. If this is your first time logging in, complete the initial setup process using the default admin user; see Complete the Initial Configuration of a Secure Firewall Threat Defense Device Using the CLI.


If a user makes three consecutive failed attempts to log into the CLI via SSH, the system terminates the SSH connection.

Before you begin

Create additional user accounts that can log into the CLI using the configure user add command.


Step 1

Connect to the threat defense CLI, either from the console port or using SSH.

You can SSH to the management interface of the threat defense device. You can also connect to the address on a data interface if you open the interface for SSH connections. SSH access to data interfaces is disabled by default. See SSH Access to allow SSH connections to specific data interfaces.

For physical devices, you can directly connect to the console port on the device. See the hardware guide for your device for more information about the console cable. Use the following serial settings:

  • 9600 baud

  • 8 data bits

  • No parity

  • 1 stop bit

The CLI on the console port is FXOS (with the exception of the ISA 3000, where it is the regular threat defense CLI). Use the threat defense CLI for basic configuration, monitoring, and normal system troubleshooting. See the FXOS documentation for information on FXOS commands.

Step 2

Log in with the admin username and password.


firepower login: admin
Last login: Thu May 16 14:01:03 UTC 2019 on ttyS0
Successful login attempts for user 'admin' : 1


Step 3

If you used the console port, access the threat defense CLI.

connect ftd


This step does not apply to the ISA 3000.


firepower# connect ftd

Step 4

At the CLI prompt (>), use any of the commands allowed by your level of command line access.

To return to FXOS on the console port, enter exit .

Step 5

(Optional) If you used SSH, you can connect to FXOS.

connect fxos

To return to the threat defense CLI, enter exit .

Step 6

(Optional) Access the diagnostic CLI:

system support diagnostic-cli

Use this CLI for advanced troubleshooting. This CLI includes additional show and other commands.

This CLI has submodes: user EXEC mode, privileged EXEC mode. More commands are available in privileged EXEC mode than user EXEC mode. To enter privileged EXEC mode, enter the enable command; press enter without entering a password when prompted.


> system support diagnostic-cli
firepower> enable

To return to the regular CLI, type Ctrl-a, d.