Discovery Summary

The Dicsovery Summary page is a collection of widgets that summarize the available traffic and inventory. You can use the Filter at the top of the page to change the history of the widgets.

Traffic Summary Widgets

Currently, Multicloud Defense presents a condensed block of the traffic in two widgets: one for DNS traffic and one for VPC and VNet flow logs. These windows into traffic differentiate between malicious traffic and DNS or VPC/VNet traffic, respectively. Click inside either of these widgets to zoom into a specific time frame.

You can enable or disable logs on either of these widgets from this summary page by simply clicking the Logs toggle. For more information on either of these types of logs and the traffic that is compiled, see Types of Traffic

Discovery Summary

The Discovery summary is a series of windows of inventory recovered by Multicloud Defense as part of the discovery process when connecting your cloud service provider. These statistics are condensed here for a quick preview. To see these in more detail, see Inventory