These objects are used to define match criteria that maps explicitly to IP addresses or CIDRs. The objects are referenced inside a policy rule and are evaluated against traffic entering a gateway instance when a policy rule is processed.
Source and destination address objects are useful when IP Addresses and CIDRs are explicitly needed to match application traffic entering a gateway instance. These objects are referenced inside the source anddestination fields of a policy rule definition. The type of address object used to populate each of these fields depends on the traffic flow, application type, and use-case.
Source or Destination Address Objects
A source or destination address object specifies a source or destination for a rule inside a security policy rule set. It is used by the rule to match traffic based on its source or destination IP address. The different types of address objects are defined as follows:
IP/CIDR/FQDN (Static) Address Objects
An IP/CIDR/FQDN address object is configured as a set of IP addresses, CIDR blocks or FQDNs. Examples of IP/CIDR address objects include:
Destination IPs for DNS servers.
Destination IPs for SMTP Relay Servers.
Destination IPs for NTP servers.
Source IPs or subnets for application workloads.
FQDN address objects define an explicit set of FQDNs for allowing or blocking IPs based on DNS resolution. When an FQDN is defined inside an FQDN address object and then referenced inside a policy rule, the gateway instance does a DNS resolution to retrieve the corresponding IP address(es) to match incoming traffic against. By default, caching is not enabled. In this case, the DNS resolution is done every 60 seconds, and the gateway instance uses the retrieved resolution for 60 seconds. If the FQDNs specified inside the FQDN address object are resolving to a large set of IP addresses (i.e. more than 400 each), then caching can be enabled. In this case, the DNS resolution interval can be specified, along with the cache size and cache TTL.
FQDN address objects are useful to match on application traffic that is either UDP based (ex. NTP) or TCP traffic for which host information does not exist in the request packet (ex. SMTP). In either case, it is recommended to use an FQDN address object to match on this kind of application traffic instead of manually defining a list of IP addresses for all appropriate NTP servers or SMTP servers, for example, your internal workloads are required to connect to.