Create a Splunk Profile Service

Use the following procedure to create an alert profile for the Splunk service:

Before you begin

You must have the following configured and ready:


Step 1

Navigate to System and Accounts > Service Alerts > Services.

Step 2

Click Create.

Step 3

Name - Enter unique name for the alert integration.

Step 4

Description (optional) - Enter a description for the alert integration.

Step 5

Type - Using the pulldown, choose Splunk.

Step 6

API Key - Copy the Splunk API key generated above, or other PagerDuty API Key as desired.

Step 7

Check the Skip Verify Certificate box if your server doesnt have certificates with SAN field matching with domain. If you server does have ceritficats with SAN fields matching the domain, leave this unchecked.

Step 8

Index(default - main) is Splunk's default index where all the processed data is stored. This is provided when you configure the Splunk HEC.

Step 9

Enter the API URL for the Splunk HTTP Event Collector. We recommend this URL https://<host>:<port>/services/collector .

Step 10

Click Save.

What to do next

Create an alert rule with this new profile.