Create a Service

Use the following procedure to create a service:

Before you begin

You must have service notifications or integrations enabled or allowed on your third party messaging application.


Step 1

Navigate to System and Accounts > Service Alerts > Services.

Step 2

Click Create.

Step 3

Enter a unique Name.

Step 4

(Optional) Enter a Description. This may help differentiate between other services that may have a similar name.

Step 5

Use the drop-down menu to select the service Type:

  • Pager Duty.

  • ServiceNow.

  • Slack.

  • Datadog.

  • Microsoft Sentinel.

  • Microsoft Teams.

  • Webex.

  • Splunk.

Step 6

Depending on the service type, complete the following entries when prompted:

  • API Key.

  • API URL.

  • Azure Log Table Name.

  • Azure Log Analytics Workspace ID

  • (Optional for Splunk) Index.

Step 7

Click Save.