Enable a Multicloud Defense Gateway

You can only enable gateways that have been disabled. Use the following procedure to enable a


Step 1

Navigate to Infrastructure > Gateways > Gateways.

Step 2

Select the Multicloud Defense Gateway you want to enable in the table so it is highlighted.

Step 3

Expand the Actions drop-down menu and click Enable.

Step 4

Multicloud Defense validates the gateway configuration. If the validation is successful, a table of current and required resources for an upgrade generate for review. If you approve of the gateway resource allocation, click Yes to confirm the action.

What to do next

Wait a few minutes for the Multicloud Defense Gateway to successfully enable.

If you've disabled a Multicloud Defense Gateway and deleted the site-to-site VPN tunnels affiliated with it, you must create a new site-to-site VPN tunnel connection, or recreate the previous VPN tunnel connection and then add it to the gateway. When a gateway is disabled, Multicloud Defense forgets the public IP address associated with the VPN tunnel. You must create a new tunnel connection to establish a new IP for the gateway instance.