Use the following procedure to enable traffic visibility for a GCP account with the Setup wizard:
Step 1 | In the Multicloud Defense Controller portal click Setup in the left navigation bar. |
Step 2 | In the setup wizard, click Enable Traffic Visibility. |
Step 3 | Enter the following information into the modal:
CSP Account - Use the drop-down menu to select the cloud service provider account to which Multicloud Defense Controller deploys the Service VPC/VNet.
Cloud Storage - Select an available cloud storage bucket that has already been assigned to the GCP project you selected.
Select VPC(s) - Select at least one VPC for traffic to be visible on. Scroll through the table of available available VPCs that are applicable to the type of cloud service provider you selected and check the appropriate VPC. Note that if you do not immediately see the VPC, click the Refresh icon to refresh the current list.
Copy and run the script. Note that if you are re-onboarding a GCP project and are reusing a cloud storage bucket, the script does not automatically create a new storage bucket. It is possible to use the default, or preexisting storage bucket, but otherwise you must create a new storage bucket in the GCP dashboard or manually edit this script command prior to executing to include the name of the storage bucket you want the flow logs for your GCP project to be stored in.
Step 4 | Click Next. |
What to do next
Secure your account.