Connect the Oracle OCI Tenant to the Multicloud Defense Controller from the the Multicloud Defense Dashboard

Before you begin

Review the requirements in Prepare Your OCI Account.


Step 1

In the Cloud Accounts pane, click Add Account..

Step 2

In the General Information page, select OCI in the Account Type list box.

Step 3

Click Oracle Cloud Shell to launch the native shell prompt.

Step 4

Copy the command provided in the Multicloud Defense Setup wizard and paste it into your cloud shell. Execute the command.

This command automates the process of creating an IAM policy, OCI group, and an OCI user that facilitate the communication between your OCI account and the Multicloud Defense.

Step 5

Fill in the following fields:

  • OCI Account Name- Used to identify this OCI Tenant within the Multicloud Defense Controller.

  • Tenancy OCID - Tenancy Oracle Cloud Identifier obtained from the OCI User.

  • User OCID - User OCID obtained from the OCI User.

  • Private Key - API private key that was assigned to the OCI User.

What to do next

Enable traffic visibility.