Use the following commands as an example when executing your own commands to create VPCs for your GCP account. Open the Google Cloud Shell windows for these particular commands:
Step 1 | Create VPC apps and subnet apps-us-east1 |
Step 2 | Create VPC multicloud defense-mgmt and subnet multicloud defense-mgmt-us-east1 : |
Step 3 | Create at least two Firewall rules for VPC multicloud defense-mgmt with target-tags as multicloud defense-mgmt :
Egress rule to allow all the outbound traffic:
Ingress rule to allow SSH into the firewall instances:
Step 4 | Create at least three Firewall rules for VPC apps. Use the following as examples:
One egress rule to allow all the outbound traffic with target-tags as multicloud defense-datapath :
One ingress rule to allow HTTP and HTTPS into the gateway instances through the non-load balancerwith target-tags as multicloud defense-datapath :
Once egress rule to allow all the outbound traffic with target-tags as app-instance :
One ingress rule to allow tcp:8000 with target-tags as app-instance :
gcloud config set project <project-name> # incase the project is not set in the gcloud cli shell
gcloud compute networks create apps --subnet-mode custom
gcloud compute networks subnets create apps-us-east1 --network apps --range --region us-east1
gcloud compute networks create ciscomcd-mgmt --subnet-mode custom
gcloud compute networks subnets create ciscomcd-mgmt-us-east1 --network ciscomcd-mgmt --range --region us-east1
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ciscomcd-mgmt-out --direction EGRESS --network ciscomcd-mgmt \
--target-tags ciscomcd-mgmt --allow tcp,udp
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ciscomcd-mgmt-in --direction INGRESS --network ciscomcd-mgmt \
--target-tags ciscomcd-mgmt --allow tcp:22
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ciscomcd-datapath-out --direction EGRESS --network apps \
--target-tags ciscomcd-datapath --allow tcp,udp
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ciscomcd-datapath-in --direction INGRESS --network apps \
--target-tags ciscomcd-datapath --allow tcp:80,tcp:443
gcloud compute firewall-rules create app-instance-out --direction EGRESS --network apps \
--target-tags app-instance --allow tcp,udp
gcloud compute firewall-rules create app-instance-in --direction INGRESS --network apps \
--target-tags app-instance --allow tcp:8000,tcp:22
Once you run the above commands, you can create a VM instance in the apps VPC and launch a test web application on port 8000.
gcloud compute instances create app-instance1 \
--zone=us-east1-b \
--image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
--image-family=ubuntu-2004-lts \
--network apps \
--subnet=apps-us-east1 \
gcloud compute ssh app-instance1 --zone us-east1-b
echo hello world > index.html
python3 -m http.server 8000