Assess and Improve Feature Adoption

Feature Adoption provides insights into the features that are adopted and the percentage of adoption. This information helps you modify your usage patterns to achieve optimal security. By analyzing the adoption rate of different features, you can take the right decisions to enhance your organization's security measures.


Step 1

In the left pane, click Monitor > Insights & Reports > AIOPs Insights > Feature Adoption.

  • In the Summary tile, you can view the total number of features available, including how many are Not Adopted, Partially Adopted, and Adopted.

  • In the Feature Adoption section, you can view the percentage of adoption of a particular feature . The feature adoption rate can vary between 0% and 100% depending on the usage.

  • In the Feature Recommendation tile, you can watch short videos about recommended features that will help enhance your organization’s security.

  • The feature adoption data is refreshed every 24 hours.

  • We recommend that you increase the usage of these features to improve overall security.

Step 2

Click a feature name to view more details, such as:

  • A short description of the feature

  • Feature adoption rate

  • Steps to improve your feature adoption rate efficiency

Feature Adoption