Step 6 | Click the other end of the VPN tunnel and Security Cloud Control displays Tunnel Details, NAT Information, and Key Exchange information for that connection:
Tunnel Details-Displays the name and connectivity information about the tunnel. Clicking the Refresh icon updates the connectivity information for the tunnels.
Tunnel Details specific to AWS connections-Tunnel details for AWS site-to-site connections are slightly different than for other connections. For each connection from the AWS VPC to your VPN gateway, AWS creates two VPN tunnels. This is for high availability.
The name of the tunnel represents the name of the VPC your VPN gateway is connected to. The IP address named in the tunnel is the IP address that your VPN gateway knows as the VPC.
If the Security Cloud Control Connectivity status shows active, the AWS tunnel state is Up. If the Security Cloud Control Connectivity state is inactive, the AWS tunnel state is Down.
NAT Information-Displays the type of NAT rule being used, original and translated packet information, and provides links to the NAT table to view the NAT rule for that tunnel. (Not yet available for AWS VPC site-to-site VPN.)
Key Exchange-Displays the cryptographic keys in use by the tunnel and key-exchange issues. (Not yet available for AWS VPC site-to-site VPN.)