Deploy Configuration Changes Using Security Cloud Control's CLI Interface


Step 1

In the left pane, click Security Devices.

Step 2

Click the Devices tab.

Step 3

Click the appropriate device type tab.

Step 4

Select the device whose configuration you want to change.

Step 5

Click >_Command Line Interface in the Actions pane.

Step 6

If there are any commands in the command line interface table, click Clear to remove them.

Step 7

In the top box of the command line interface table, enter your commands at the command prompt. You can run a single command, several commands in a batch by entering each command on its own line, or entering a section of configuration file as a command. Here are some examples of commands you can enter in the command line interface table:

A single command creating the network object "albany"
object network albany 
Multiple commands sent together:
object network albany
object network boston
object network cambridge
A section of a running configuration file entered as a command:
interface GigabitEthernet0/5
 nameif guest
 security-level 0
 no ip address

Security Cloud Control does not require you to move between EXEC mode, Privileged EXEC mode, and Global Configuration mode. It interprets the command you enter in the proper context.

Step 8

After you have entered your commands, click Send. After Security Cloud Control has successfully deployed the changes to the ASA's running config file, you receive the message, Done!

Step 9

After you send the command you may see the message, "Some commands may have made changes to the running config" along with two links.

  • Clicking Deploy to Disk saves the changes made by this command, and any other change in the running config, to the ASA's startup config.

  • Clicking Dismiss, dismisses the message.