Manage and Deploy Pre-existing ASA Remote Access VPN Configuration

When you onboard an ASDM managed ASA device that already has remote access VPN settings, it discovers and displays the existing remote access VPN configurations. Security Cloud Control automatically creates a "Default remote access VPN Configuration" and associates the ASA device with this configuration. There are some remote access VPN configurations that aren't read or supported in the Security Cloud Control but can be configured in the Security Cloud Control command-line interface.


This section doesn't cover every supported or unsupported configuration in Security Cloud Control. Instead, it only describes the most commonly used ones.

To see the remote access VPN configurations from an onboarded ASA, perform the following steps:


Step 1

In the left pane, click Secure Connections > End User Connections > Remote Access VPN > ASA & FDM.

Step 2

Click the remote access VPN configuration corresponding to the onboarded ASA device. Security Cloud Control automatically creates a "Default_RA_VPN_Configuration" and associates the ASA device with this configuration. You can delete the default configuration. The ASA remote access VPN configurations that are read in Security Cloud Control are classified as follows:

  • Device settings

  • Connection profiles

  • Group policies