Access Control Policy Default Action

A newly created access control policy directs its target devices to handle all traffic using its default action.

In a simple access control policy, the default action specifies how target devices handle all traffic. In a more complex policy, the default action handles traffic that:

  • is not trusted by Intelligent Application Bypass

  • is not on a Security Intelligence Block list

  • is not blocked by SSL inspection (encrypted traffic only)

  • matches none of the rules in the policy (except Monitor rules, which match and log—but do not handle or inspect—traffic)

The access control policy default action can block or trust traffic without further inspection, or inspect traffic for intrusions and discovery data.


You cannot perform file or malware inspection on traffic handled by the default action. Logging for connections handled by the default action is initially disabled, though you can enable it.

If you are using policy inheritance, the default action for the lowest-level descendant determines final traffic handling. Although an access control policy can inherit its default action from its base policy, you cannot enforce this inheritance.

The following table describes the types of inspection you can perform on traffic handled by each default action.

Access Control Policy Default Actions

Default Action

Effect on Traffic

Inspection Type and Policy

Access Control: Block All Traffic

block without further inspection


Access Control: Trust All Traffic

trust (allow to its final destination without further inspection)


Intrusion Prevention

allow, as long as it is passed by the intrusion policy you specify

intrusion, using the specified intrusion policy and associated variable set, and

discovery, using the network discovery policy

Network Discovery Only


discovery only, using the network discovery policy

Inherit from base policy

defined in base policy

defined in base policy

The following diagram illustrates the table.

Diagram that shows how you can configure the access control policy default action to block all traffic, trust all traffic, or allow it if it passes intrusion inspection

The following diagrams illustrate the Block All Traffic and Trust All Traffic default actions.

Diagram illustrating the Access Control default actions: Block All Traffic and Trust (that is, allow) All Traffic. In both cases, the diagram shows that there can be no file inspection, intrusion inspection, or network discovery.

The following diagrams illustrate the Intrusion Prevention and Network Discovery Only default actions.

Diagram illustrating the two inspection default actions: intrusion prevention and network discovery. With an intrusion prevention default action, the intrusion policy can pass or drop packets and, in either case, the network discovery feature can also inspect the same traffic discovery. The diagram also shows that you can select a network discovery-only default action where there is no intrusion inspection of allowed traffic. The diagram also shows that file inspection is not supported for the intrusion prevention or network discovery default action.


The purpose of Network Discovery Only is to improve performance in a discovery-only deployment. Different configurations can disable discovery if you are only interested in intrusion detection and prevention.