Custom Base Policies
You can use a custom policy as your base. You can tune settings in custom policies to inspect traffic in ways that matter most to you so you can improve both the performance of your managed devices and your ability to respond effectively to the events they generate.
If you change the custom policy that you use as the base for another policy, those changes are automatically used as the default settings of the policy that uses the base.
In addition, a rule update may affect your policy even if you use a custom base policy, because all policies have a system-provided policy as the eventual base in a policy chain. If the first custom policy in a chain (the one that uses the system-provided policy as its base) allows rule updates to modify its base policy, your policy may be affected.
Regardless of how changes are made to your base policy—whether by a rule update or when you modify a custom policy that you use as a base policy—they do not change or override settings in your My Changes or any other layer.