Add, Edit, or Delete Dynamic Attributes Filters

The Dashboard enables you to add, edit, or delete dynamic attributes filters. You can click the name of a filter to view all instances of that filter or you can click for the following additional options:

  • Go to Dynamic Attributes Filters to view all configured dynamic attributes filters. You can add, edit, or delete dynamic attributes filters from there.

  • Add Dynamic Attributes Filters to add a filter.

For more information about adding dynamic attributes filters, see Create Dynamic Attributes Filters.

An example follows:

Displaying information about a dynamic attributes filter from the dashboard


Some connectors, such as Outlook 365 and Azure Service tags, automatically pull available dynamic objects without the need for a dynamic attributes filters. Those connectors display Auto in the column.

You have the following options:

  • Click a filter instance to view summary information about dynamic attributes filters associated with a connector.

  • Click the Add icon (add icon) to add a new dynamic attributes filter.

    For more information, see Create Dynamic Attributes Filters.

  • Click in the filters column () indicates the indicated connector has no associated dynamic attributes filters. Without associated filters, the connector can send nothing to management center.

    One way to resolve the issue is to click in the filters column and click Add Dynamic Attributes Filter. A sample follows.

    Add a dynamic attributes filter so the management center can start receiving dynamic objects

  • Click to add, edit, or delete filters.

  • Click to close the panel.