Message Types
The Message Center displays messages reporting system activities and status organized into three different tabs:
- Deployments
This tab displays current status related to configuration deployment for each appliance in your system, grouped by domain. The system reports the following deployment status values on this tab. You can get additional detail about the deployment jobs by clicking Show History.
Running (Spinning) — The configuration is in the process of deploying.
Success — The configuration has successfully been deployed.
Warning (
) — Warning deployment statuses contribute to the message count displayed with the Warning System Status icon.
Failure — The configuration has failed to deploy; see Configuration Changes that Require Deployment. Failed deployments contribute to the message count displayed with the Error System Status icon.
- Upgrades
This tab displays the current status related to software upgrade tasks for the managed devices. The system reports the following upgrade status values on this tab:
In progress—Indicates that the upgrade task is in progress.
Completed—Indicates that the software upgrade task is completed successful.
Failed—Indicates that the software upgrade task has failed to complete.
- Health
This tab displays current health status information for each appliance in your system, grouped by domain. Health status is generated by health modules as described in About Health Monitoring. The system reports the following health status values on this tab:
Warning (
) — Indicates that warning limits have been exceeded for a health module on an appliance and the problem has not been corrected. The Health Monitoring page indicates these conditions with a Yellow Triangle (
). Warning statuses contribute to the message count displayed with the Warning System Status icon.
Critical (
) — Indicates that critical limits have been exceeded for a health module on an appliance and the problem has not been corrected. The Health Monitoring page indicates these conditions with a Critical (
) icon. Critical statuses contribute to the message count displayed with the Error System Status icon.
Error (
) — Indicates that a health monitoring module has failed on an appliance and has not been successfully re-run since the failure occurred. The Health Monitoring page indicates these conditions with a Error icon. Error statuses contribute to the message count displayed with the Error System Status icon.
You can click on links in the Health tab to view related detailed information on the Health Monitoring page. If there are no current health status conditions, the Health tab displays no messages.
- Tasks
Certain tasks (such as configuration backups or update installation) can require some time to complete. This tab displays the status of these long-running tasks, and can include tasks initiated by you or, if you have appropriate access, other users of the system. The tab presents messages in reverse chronological order based on the most recent update time for each message. Some task status messages include links to more detailed information about the task in question. The system reports the following task status values on this tab:
Waiting() — Indicates a task that is waiting to run until another in-progress task is complete. This message type displays an updating progress bar.
Running — Indicates a task that is in-progress. This message type displays an updating progress bar.
Retrying — Indicates a task that is automatically retrying. Note that not all tasks are permitted to try again. This message type displays an updating progress bar.
Success — Indicates a task that has completed successfully.
Failure — Indicates a task that did not complete successfully. Failed tasks contribute to the message count displayed with the Error System Status icon.
Stopped or Suspended — Indicates a task that was interrupted due to a system update. Stopped tasks cannot be resumed. After normal operations are restored, start the task again.
Skipped — A process in progress prevented the task from starting. Try again to start the task.
New messages appear in this tab as new tasks are started. As tasks complete (status success, failure, or stopped), this tab continues to display messages with final status indicated until you remove them. Cisco recommends you remove messages to reduce clutter in the Tasks tab as well as the message database.