Back Up a Threat Defense Device from Cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center

Use this procedure to perform an on-demand backup of any of the following devices:

  • Threat Defense: Physical devices, standalone, HA, or cluster

  • Threat Defense Virtual: VMware, standalone, HA, or cluster

Backup and restore is not supported for any other platforms or configurations.

Before you begin

You must read and understand the requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices. Do not skip any steps or ignore security concerns. Careful planning and preparation can help you avoid missteps.


Users with CLI access can access the Linux shell access with the expert command, which can present a security risk. For system security reasons, we strongly recommend:

  • Only use the Linux shell under TAC supervision or when explicitly instructed by Firewall and Security Cloud Control user documentation.

  • Restrict the list of users with Linux shell access..

  • Do not add users directly in the Linux shell; only use the procedures in this chapter.


Step 1

Log in to Security Cloud Control.

Step 2

From the Security Cloud Control menu, navigate Administration > Firewall Management Center to open the Services page.

Step 3

Select Cloud-Delivered FMC and in the Actions pane, click Monitoring to navigate to the Cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center user interface.

Step 4

Select System(system gear icon) and then navigate Tools > Backup/Restore.

Step 5

Click Managed Device Backup.

Step 6

Select one or more threat defense devices in Managed Devices.

For clustering, choose the cluster. You cannot perform backups on individual nodes.

Step 7

Click Start Backup to start the on-demand backup.

Step 8

Monitor the progress under Tasks in the Notifications pane.