Delete the Cluster or Nodes from the Management Center

You can delete the cluster from the Security Cloud Control, which keeps the cluster intact. You might want to delete the cluster if you want to add the cluster to a new Security Cloud Control.

You can also delete a node from the Security Cloud Control without breaking the node from the cluster. Although the node is not visible in the Security Cloud Control, it is still part of the cluster, and it will continue to pass traffic and could even become the control node. You cannot delete the current control node. You might want to delete the node if it is no longer reachable from the Security Cloud Control, but you still want to keep it as part of the cluster.


Step 1

Log into Security Cloud Control and click Security Devices.

Step 2

Click the FTD tab and locate the cluster you want. Select it so the device row is highlighted.

Step 3

Do the following:

  • To delete a node within the cluster, in the Cluster pane to the right, click the delete icon appearing beside the device you want to delete.

  • To delete the cluster, in the Device Actions pane to the right, click Remove.

Step 4

When prompted, select OK to confirm the removal of the selected device.