Configure Temperature Alarms

You can configure alarms based on the temperature of the CPU card in the device.

You can set a primary and secondary temperature range. If the temperature drops below the low threshold, or exceeds the high threshold, the alarm is triggered.

The primary temperature alarm is enabled by default for all alarm actions: output relay, syslog, and SNMP. The default settings for the primary temperature range is -40°C to 92°C.

The secondary temperature alarm is disabled by default. You can set the secondary temperature within the range -35°C to 85°C.

Because the secondary temperature range is more restrictive than the primary range, if you set either the secondary low or high temperature, that setting disables the corresponding primary setting, even if you configure non-default values for the primary setting. You cannot enable two separate high and two separate low temperature alarms.

Thus, in practice, you should configure the primary only, or the secondary only, setting for high and low.


Step 1

Create the FlexConfig object to configure the temperature alarms.

  1. Choose Objects > Object Management.

  2. Choose FlexConfig > FlexConfig Object from the table of contents.

  3. Click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

    • Name—The object name. For example, Configure_Temperature_Alarms.

    • Deployment—Select Everytime. You want this configuration to be sent in every deployment to ensure it remains configured.

    • Type—Keep the default, Append. The commands are sent to the device after the commands for directly-supported features.

    • Object body—In the object body, type the commands needed to configure the temperature alarms. The following steps explain the commands.

  4. Configure the acceptable temperature range.

    alarm facility temperature {primary | secondary} {low | high} temperature

    The temperature is in Celsius. The allowed range for the primary alarm is -40 to 92, which is also the default range. The allowed range for the secondary alarm is -35 to 85. The low value must be lower than the high value.

    For example, to set a more restrictive temperature range of -20 to 80, which falls within the allowed range for the secondary alarm, configure the secondary alarm as follows:

    alarm facility temperature secondary low -20
    alarm facility temperature secondary high 80 
  5. Configure the actions to take when the temperature alarm is triggered.

    alarm facility temperature {primary | secondary} {relay | syslog | notifies}

    You can configure more than one action. For example, you can configure the device to activate the external alarm, send syslog messages, and also send SNMP traps.

    • relay—Energize the alarm output relay, which activates the external alarm that you attached to it, such as a buzzer or a flashing light. The output LED also goes red.

    • syslog—Send a syslog message.

    • notifies—Send an SNMP trap.

    For example, to enable all actions for the secondary temperature alarm, enter the following:

    alarm facility temperature secondary relay 
    alarm facility temperature secondary syslog
    alarm facility temperature secondary notifies
  6. Verify that the object body contains the commands you want.

    For example, if your template includes all of the command examples shown in this procedure, the object body would have the following commands:

    alarm facility temperature secondary low -20
    alarm facility temperature secondary high 80 
    alarm facility temperature secondary relay 
    alarm facility temperature secondary syslog
    alarm facility temperature secondary notifies

    The object body should look similar to the following:

    FlexConfig object for configuring temperature alarms on ISA 3000 devices.

  7. Click Save.

Step 2

Create the FlexConfig policy and assign it to the devices.

  1. Choose Devices > FlexConfig.

  2. Either click New Policy, or if an existing FlexConfig policy should be assigned to (or is already assigned to) the target devices, simply edit that policy.

    When creating a new policy, assign the target devices to the policy in the dialog box where you name the policy.

  3. Select the temperature alarms FlexConfig object in the User Defined folder in the table of contents and click > to add it to the policy.

    The object should be added to the Selected Appended FlexConfigs list.

    FlexConfig policy, configure temperature alarms object in the selected object list.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If you have not yet assigned all the targeted devices to the policy, click the Policy Assignments link below Save and make the assignments now.

  6. Click Preview Config, and in the Preview dialog box, select one of the assigned devices.

    The system generates a preview of the configuration CLI that will be sent to the device. Verify that the commands generated from the FlexConfig object look correct. These will be shown at the end of the preview. Note that you will also see commands generated from other changes you have made to managed features. For the temperature alarms commands, you should see something similar to the following:

    ###Flex-config Appended CLI ###
    alarm facility temperature secondary low -20
    alarm facility temperature secondary high 80 
    alarm facility temperature secondary relay 
    alarm facility temperature secondary syslog
    alarm facility temperature secondary notifies

Step 3

Deploy your changes.

Because you assigned a FlexConfig policy to the devices, you will always get a deployment warning, which is meant to caution you about the use of FlexConfig. Click Proceed to continue with the deployment.

After the deployment completes, you can check the deployment history and view the transcript for the deployment. This is especially valuable if the deployment fails. See Verify the Deployed Configuration.