Controlling Traffic Based on DNS and VLAN

VLAN conditions in DNS rules allow you to control VLAN-tagged traffic. The system uses the innermost VLAN tag to identify a packet by VLAN.

When you build a VLAN-based DNS rule condition, you can manually specify VLAN tags. Alternately, you can configure VLAN conditions with VLAN tag objects, which are reusable and associate a name with one or more VLAN tags.


Step 1

In the DNS rule editor, select VLAN Tags.

Step 2

Find and select the VLANs you want to add from the Available VLAN Tags, as follows:

  • To add a VLAN tag object on the fly, which you can then add to the condition, click Add (add icon) above the Available VLAN Tags list and proceed as described in Creating VLAN Tag Objects.

  • To search for VLAN tag objects and groups to add, click the Search by name or value prompt above the Available VLAN Tags list, then type either the name of the object, or the value of a VLAN tag in the object. The list updates as you type to display matching objects.

Step 3

Click Add to Rule, or drag and drop.

Step 4

Add any VLAN tags that you want to specify manually. Click the Enter a VLAN Tag prompt below the Selected VLAN Tags list; then type a VLAN tag or range and click Add. You can specify any VLAN tag from 1 to 4094; use a hyphen to specify a range of VLAN tags.

Step 5

Save or continue editing the rule.

What to do next

  • Deploy configuration changes.