Edit the Management Center IP Address/Hostname on the Device
If you change the management center IP address or hostname, you should also change the value at the device CLI so the configurations match. Although in most cases, the management connection will be reestablished without changing the management center IP address or hostname on the device, in at least one case, you must perform this task for the connection to be reestablished: when you added the device to the management center and you specified the NAT ID only. Even in other cases, we recommend keeping the management center IP address or hostname up to date for extra network resiliency.
Step 1 | At the threat defense CLI, view the management center identifier. show managers Example:
Step 2 | At the threat defense CLI, edit the management center IP address or hostname. configure manager edit identifier {hostname {ip_address | hostname} | displayname display_name} If the management center was originally identified by DONTRESOLVE and a NAT ID, you can change the value to a hostname or IP address using this command. You cannot change an IP address or hostname to DONTRESOLVE . The management connection will go down, and then reestablish. You can monitor the state of the connection using the sftunnel-status command. Example: