Advanced Gateway Configuration: Use Your Own Load Balancer
You can use a load balancer that is native to either AWS or Azure when creating a Multicloud Defense Gateway. Because AWS and Azure are different platforms, they do not use the same word for "load balancer" but the functionality mentioned below is identical in performance. Continue reading the appropriate information for the cloud service provider you currently have.
To configure your Multicloud Defense Gateway to use your own load balancer, see Add a Multicloud Defense Gateway.
Note | Note that both of these configurations support ingress gateway deployments only. |
AWS Global Accelerator
Multicloud Defense can integrate with a set of one or more AWS global accelerators to use as an ingress point to load balance traffic across the Multicloud Defense Gateway instances. This is similar to the AWS network load balancer that is created and managed by Multicloud Defense when an ingress gateway is deployed, but offers an alternative ingress point for the ingress gateway to protect applications and workloads.
Accelerator manages the global accelerators' listener endpoint group to ensure the endpoint group has the active set of gateway onstances. Client IP addresses are preserved as they pass through the global accelerator to the Multicloud Defense ingress gateway.
In order to integrate Multicloud Defense with a global accelerator, you must first create the global accelerator within AWS, defined a desired listener and created an empty endpoint group (or an endpoint group that contains the existing Multicloud Defense ingress gateway instances). Once the AWS resources exist, then configure the Multicloud Defense ingress gateway to integrate with the global accelerator.
For any additional configuration information, see Amazon AWS documentation.
Azure Load Blanacer
If you have an Azure cloud service provider, you can now use your own load balancer from Azure as part of your Multicloud Defense Gateway. The Azure load balancer funnels and processes traffic from multiple proxy servers to a system-provided backendpool that contains at least one cluster of Multicloud Defense Gateway instances. This scenario is ideal if you want create a security policy for multiple proxy servers that handle non-HTTP traffic.
You must create a Multicloud Defense Gateway that defers to the Azure load balancer to be able ot use this capability. Beware the following prerequisites and limitations:
You must have your Azure load balancer already configured.
We strongly recommend creating and configuring a backend pool in Azure for your custom load balancer. The backend pool does not have to contain any resources at this time and can be modified later.
If you opt to configure your Azure load balancer with a resource group, the Azure resource group and the Multicloud Defense Gateway's resource group must be configured for the same region.
If you opt to configure your Azure load balancer with a resource group, the load balancer resource group and the Multicloud Defense Gateway resource group do not have to be the same.
You can configure a health probe for your Azure load balancer but is not required.
The Multicloud Defense Gateway's virtual network and the Azure load balancer's virtual network should be the same.
The Multicloud Defense Gateway's datapth subnet and the Azure load balancer's subnet should be the same.
You must attach your gateway to a VPC that has at least one availaibilty zone.
For any information on how to create, modify, or complete an Azure load balancer, see Microsoft Azure documentation.