Multicloud Defense Controller Dashboard
The dashboard of the Multicloud Defense Controller has a multitude of widgets to give you a quick snapshot of the current state of your accounts, account resources, and top-hitting policies or profiles.
For your ease, you can drag/drop any of the following widgets to customize and organize the dashboard to whatever fits your needs. You can also click "x" on any of the widgets to remove it from your dashboard view, or "View More" to go directly to the page affiliated with the widget in question. At the top of each widget is an indication as to what function of Multicloud Defense the widget serves: discovery, detection, deployment, or defending.
The following widgets are generated by default:
Cloud Accounts
This is a high-level view to how many cloud accounts you have connected to the Multicloud Defense Controller, and how many of what cloud service provider.
You can easily click "Add Account" from this widget and launch into the connecting wizard to assist onboarding a new cloud service provider.
Account Resources
This is a general list of allocated resources across all of your connected cloud accounts. It displays how many of the following resources are currently used:
Security Groups.
Load Balancers.
Route Tables.
Top CSP Services
This top-down display of cloud service provider services generalizes DNS traffic of the cloud service providers you already have connected to the Multicloud Defense Controller.
DNS Traffic
Similar to "Top CSP Services", this DNS Traffic widget offers a limited view of current DNS traffic for the cloud service providers that are actively processing traffic. We recommend expanding the widget to the full discovery scope for more insight.
VPCs/VNets with Malicious Traffic
This widget displays any recent VPC or VNet that has encountered mlaicious traffic. For a comprehensive list of events and attacks, expand the widget and view the traffic.
Top Ports with Malicious Traffic
This small snapshot displays whi ports amongst your cloud accounts have the most hits against malicious traffic.
Security Considerations
The Security Considerations widget is a suggestive widget, summarizing which applications, VPCs or VNets, and associated gateways are not protected by the means provided in Multicloud Defense.
System Logs
The System Logs window supplies a recent history of logs that catalogue the accounts affects, the gateway associated, the severity of events or attacks and more. We strongly recommend utilizing this widget, if not the whole System Log page as a valuable resource.
Top Applications
This window accounts for the top-most applications across all cloud service providers that are used.
View a graph depicting the last seven days of traffic and how much of the incoming traffic was categorized as threats.
Top Countries by Threat
This horizontal bar chart depicts a snapshot of the top 10 countries that during the entirety of the timespan produced the most events, then displayed breaking that volume across the time increments for which the events occurred during the timespan.
Exfiltration Attempts
View a general display of egress data exfiltration that have occurred on the cloud service providers currently connected to Multicloud Defense.