Create an Alert Profile Service

Use the following procedure to create an alert profile for the Webex service:

Before you begin

In order to complete the steps in this guide, you will need:

  • A Webex account with an Incoming Webhook URL.

  • API Key configured.

  1. Create or access a Webex account.

  2. Create a Webex Incoming Webhook.

  3. Accept the Incoming Webhook permissions.

  4. Provide a Name and select a Webex Space.

  5. Copy the Webex Webhook URL to use in the configuration of the Alert Service Profile.


Step 1

Navigate to System and Accounts > Service Alerts > Services.

Step 2

Click Create.

Step 3

Name - Enter unique name for the alert integration.

Step 4

(Optional) Description - Enter a description for the alert integration.

Step 5

Type - Using the pulldown, choose Webex.

Step 6

API URL - Specify the Webex Webhook URL generated as part of the prerequisites, or other Webex Webhook URL as desired.

What to do next

Create an alert rule with this new profile.