Create the URL Filtering Profile
Use the following procedure to create a standalone URL filtering profile:
Step 1 | Navigate to . |
Step 2 | Click Create. |
Step 3 | Provide a unique Name. |
Step 4 | (Optional) Enter a Description. This may help differenatiate between other profiles with similar names. |
Step 5 | Click Add to create a new row. |
Step 6 | Specify individual URLs (e.g.,
Step 7 | Specify Categories (e.g., Gambling, Sports, Social Networking). |
Step 8 | Specify the HTTP methods to which the policy is applied. |
Step 9 | Select on of the following as a subset of methods:
Step 10 | Specify All for all methods. |
Step 11 | Specify the policy Action for the user-specified URLs/Categories, Uncategorized and ANY rows:
Step 12 | Specify the Return Status Code. |
Step 13 | Specify an integer value greater than or equal to 100 and less than 600. The value represents the HTTP status that will be returned to the client making the request. A common return code is 503. |
Step 14 | Click Save. |
What to do next
Attach the profile to a policy rule set. See Rule Sets and Rule Set Groups for more information.