Delete an AWS Account From Multicloud Defense

Use the following procedure to completely remove an AWS account from your Multicloud Defense.

After you delete the AWS account, it may take up to 24 hours for the cloud service provider to clean up all objects within the S3 bucket that is associated with your account.


Step 1

Log into Security Cloud Control and launch the Multicloud Defense Controller.

Step 2

Navigate the top menu bar to Infrastructure > Gateways > Gateways.

Step 3

Locate the gateway associated with your account and select the checkbox, then click the Actions drop-down menu.

Step 4

Select Disable. This action automatically removes all virutal machines associated with the account.

Step 5

Make sure the gateway's checkbox is still selected and click the Actions drop-down menu again.

Step 6

Select Delete. This action removes the load balancers associated with the AWS account.

Step 7

Navigate to Systems and Accounts > Account > CSP Accounts.

Step 8

Locate the AWS account in the list and select it so the checkbox is check.

Step 9

Click the Actions drop-down menu and select Delete.

Step 10

Confirm you want to delete the account.