Use the following procedure to remove any and all instances of the Azure account from Multicloud Defense:
Before you begin
You must delete any subnets and VNets created in the Multicloud Defense Controller prior to deleting Multicloud Defense from your Azure account.
Note |
This procedure requires you to remove orchestration preparation from both the Multicloud Defense UI and the GCP dashboard.
Step 1 | Log into Security Cloud Control and launch the Multicloud Defense Controller. |
Step 2 | If you did not create a user-assigned Managed Identity for the key vault, continue to step 4. If you did create a key for the Azure account, do the following:
Navigate to .
Select the certificate associated with the account and then open the Actions drop-down menu.
Select Delete and confirm the deletion of the certificate for the key vault.
Step 3 | In the Multicloud Defense Controller, delete any gateways or VNets associated with the account.
Navigate to to delete any gateways previously created.
Select the gateway associated with the account so its checkbox is checked.
Expand the Actions drop-down menu and select Delete.
Confirm the deletion.
In the Multicloud Defense Controller, navigate to to delete any VNets previously created.
Select the VNet associated with the account so the checkbox is checked.
Expand the Actions drop-down menu and select Delete.
Confirm the deletion.
In the Multicloud Defense Controller, navigate to .
Select the Azure account so the checkbox is checked.
Expand the Actions drop-down menu and select Delete.
Confirm the deletion.
Step 4 | Delete the Multicloud Defense Controller role in Azure.
Log into the Azure portal.
Navigate to App Registrations.
Select the Owned Appications tab.
Select the ciscomcd-controller-app application.
Once selected, click Delete at the top of the window.
Confirm the deletion.
Navigate to, or search for, Subscriptions and click Access Control (IAM).
Select the Roles tab at the top of the window.
Search for ciscomcd-controller-role-rw and select it so the chekcbox is checked.
Click Remove at the top of the window.