Traffic and Capacity Insights

You can modify the preferences for traffic and capacity-related insights.

  • The settings for Elephant Flow Detection and RAVPN Capacity Assessment are enabled by default.

  • The RA VPN Capacity Assessment runs every 24 hours, with changes applied in the subsequent assessment cycle.


Step 1

In the left pane, click Monitor > Insights & Reports > AIOPs Insights > Settings.

Step 2

Click Traffic & Capacity.

Step 3

Enable the High Traffic Caused by Elephant Flow toggle to detect the elephant flows that transfer large amounts of data and lead to system performance issues.

  1. Choose the Insight Severity from the drop-down.

  2. Click Submit.

For more information, see Elephant Flow Detection.

Step 4

Enable the RAVPN Capacity Assessment toggle to forecast the trajectory of RA VPN user sessions using the current data, and determine the anticipated time until maximum system capacity is reached.

  1. Choose a value from the Accuracy drop-down list. . This determines the accuracy of the forecast based on the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) value.

  2. Enter the Max Session Threshold value:

    • The default value is 90%.

    • The minimum value is 1%, and the maximum value is 100%.

  3. Enter the Forecast Duration in Days:

    • The default duration is 90 days.

    • The minimum duration is 1 day, and the maximum duration is 90 days.

  4. Click Submit.

For more information, see Remote Access VPN.

After you enable the features for the tenant, you can view the detected anomalies in the Summary page, and the respective widgets are displayed on the dashboard.