Generate a Template Apply Report
A Template Apply Report PDF is generated after the task to apply the template is completed. This report is generated on both successful and unsuccessful application of the template on the device. You will see a link to this report in the Notifications > Tasks window.
The Template Apply Report contains the following details:
Template name
Device model name
Domain from which the template was applied
Start and end time
Status of the application of the template on the device
Interface mapping information
Variable values
There may be some configurations on the template that are not applied to the device due to incompatible device model or version. The report also contains details about such configurations. The report also contains any errors that are encountered when the application of the template fails. Application of a template on a device may fail due to any of the following reasons:
Model mapping does not exist for the device model that is used.
Values used for variables and network object overrides do not conform to routing policy or interface configuration rules. For example, the same IPv4 address has been used for two IPv4 address interface variables.
Device or template is locked due to some other task that is being executed, such as application or modification of the template.