Configure a SASE Tunnel for Umbrella
Before you begin
Ensure that you review the prerequisites and guidelines in Prerequisites for Configuring Umbrella SASE Tunnels and Guidelines and Limitations for Configuring SASE Tunnels on Umbrella.
Step 1 | Choose . |
Step 2 | Click + SASE Topology. |
Step 3 | Enter a unique Topology Name. |
Step 4 | Pre-shared Key: This key is auto-generated according to the Umbrella PSK requirements. For a single topology, the pre-shared key is common for all threat defense spokes and Umbrella. The device and Umbrella share this secret key, and IKEv2 uses it for authentication. If you want to configure this key, it must be between 16 and 64 characters in length, include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one numeral, and have no special characters. Each topology must have a unique pre-shared key. If a topology has multiple tunnels, all the tunnels have the same pre-shared key. |
Step 5 | Choose a data center from the Umbrella Data center drop-down list. (Configure routing on the threat defense to ensure reachability of the umbrella DC from the threat defense.) |
Step 6 | Click Add to add a threat defense node. |
Step 7 | Click Next to view the summary of the Umbrella SASE tunnel configuration.
Step 8 | Check the Deploy configuration on threat defense nodes check box to trigger deployment of the network tunnels to the threat defense. This deployment occurs after the tunnels are deployed on Umbrella. Local tunnel ID is required for the threat defense deployment. |
Step 9 | Click Save. This action:
What to do next
For the interesting traffic intended to flow through the SASE tunnel, configure a PBR policy with a specific match criteria to send the traffic through the VTI interface.
Ensure that you configure a PBR policy for each endpoint of the SASE topology.