Edit Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings tile displays the advanced configuration settings, as described below. You can edit any of these settings.

Advanced Section Table Fields



Application Bypass

The state of Automatic Application Bypass on the device.

Bypass Threshold

The Automatic Application Bypass threshold, in milliseconds.

Object Group Search

The state of object group search on the device. While operating, the threat defense device expands access control rules into multiple access control list entries based on the contents of any network or interface objects used in the access rule. You can reduce the memory required to search access control rules by enabling object group search. With object group search enabled, the system does not expand network or interface objects, but instead searches access rules for matches based on those group definitions. Object group search does not impact how your access rules are defined or how they appear in the management center. It impacts only how the device interprets and processes them while matching connections to access control rules.


By default, the Object Group Search is enabled when you add threat defense for the first time in the management center.

Interface Object Optimization

The state of interface object optimization on the device. During deployment, interface groups and security zones used in the access control and prefilter policies generate separate rules for each source/destination interface pair. If you enable interface object optimization, the system will instead deploy a single rule per access control/prefilter rule, which can simplify the device configuration and improve deployment performance. If you select this option, also select the Object Group Search option to reduce memory usage on the device.

Perform the procedure given below to edit the advanced settings.


Step 1

Click the Edit (edit icon) icon in the Advanced Settings tile.

Step 2

You can change the settings as per your requirement. For more information, see the following sections:

Step 3

Click Save.