End-to-End Process for Deploying Threat Defense Virtual Cluster in GCP

Template-based Deployment

The following flowchart illustrates the workflow for template-based deployment of the Threat Defense Virtual cluster on GCP.



Local Host Download templates and files from GitHub.
Local Host Edit template parameters.
Google Cloud Platform Create GCP bucket.
Local Host Create Google Cloud function source archive file ftdv_cluster_function.zip.
Google Cloud Platform Upload the Google function source archive file.
Google Cloud Platform Deploy infrastructure.yaml.
Google Cloud Platform If private IP addresses are used, create VPC connector.
Google Cloud Platform If external IP addresses are used, set deployWithExternalIP to True in cluster_function_infra.yaml.
Google Cloud Platform Deploy cluster function infrastructure template.
Google Cloud Platform Deploy cluster.

Manual Deployment

The following flowchart illustrates the workflow for manual deployment of the Threat Defense Virtual cluster on GCP.



Local Host Create day 0 configuration script.
Google Cloud Platform Create instance template using day 0 configuration.
Google Cloud Platform Configure the interfaces.
Google Cloud Platform Create instance group and attach instance template.
Google Cloud Platform Create NLB and attach to instance group.
Google Cloud Platform Create firewall rules for NLB.
Management Center Create access rules for health check traffic.
Management Center Add control node.