Create a Primary or Secondary Passive Identity Agent Identity Source

The following task continues from Create a Passive Identity Agent Identity Source.

Before you begin

Complete the tasks discussed in Create a Passive Identity Agent Identity Source.


Step 1

In the Configure Agent dialog box, enter the following information:




Click one of the following:

  • Primary: The agent responsible for communicating with the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center.

  • Secondary: Becomes the primary if the primary loses contact with the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center.

For more information about roles, see About Passive Identity Agent Roles.

Primary Agent Hostname/IP Address

(Primary agent only.) Enter the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the server on which the primary passive identity agent is installed.

The passive identity agent supports IPv4 addresses and fully qualified domain names only. IPv6 addresses are not supported.

Secondary Agent Hostname/IP Address

(Secondary agent only.) Enter the fully qualified host name or IP address of the server on which the secondary passive identity agent is installed.

The passive identity agent supports IPv4 addresses and fully qualified domain names only. IPv6 addresses are not supported.

Primary Agent

(Secondary agent only.) From the list, click the name of the primary passive identity agent.

Domain Controller

(Primary agent only.) From the list, select the check box next to each domain controller that has a passive identity agent you wish to use for identity management and user control.

The following figure shows an example of a primary agent:

Create a primary passive identity agent that communicates with the secure firewall manager. If the primary agent fails to communicate with the secure firewall manager, the secondary takes over.

The following figure shows an example of a secondary agent:

Create a secondary passive identity agent to take over from the primary in the event it stops communicating with the secure firewall manager.

Step 2

In the Configure Agent dialog box, click Save.

Step 3

In the top right corner of the page, click Save.

The following figure shows an example.

In this example, there is a primary and secondar passive identity agent monitoring the domain


The passive identity agent won't be active until you create a user and install the software.

What to do next