Create a Standalone Passive Identity Agent Identity Source

This task discusses how to configure a standalone passive identity agent.

Before you begin

Complete the tasks discussed in Create a Passive Identity Agent Identity Source.


Step 1

In the Configure Agent dialog box, enter the following information:




Click Standalone.

Domain Controller

From the list, select the check box next to each domain controller that has a passive identity agent you wish to use for identity management and user control.

The following figure shows an example of a standalone passive identity agent identity source.

When you create a standalone passive identity agent, you must specify a name and an AD domain controller defined by the realm

Step 2

In the Configure Agent dialog box, click Save.

Step 3

In the top right corner of the page, click Save.

The following figure shows an example.

You must click Save at the top of the page to save the identity source configuration


The passive identity agent won't be active until you create a user and install the software.

What to do next