
  • To allow the cluster to auto-register to the management center, create a user with Network Admin & Maintenance User privileges on the management center. Users with these privileges can use REST API. See the Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center Administration Guide.

  • Add an access policy in the management center that matches the name of the policy that you will specify during template deployment.

  • Ensure that the Management Center Virtual is licensed appropriately.

  • Perform the steps given below after the cluster is added to the Management Center Virtual:

    1. Configure platform settings with the health check port number in the Management Center. For more information on configuring this, see Platform Settings.

    2. Create a static route for data traffic. For more information on creating a static route, see Add a Static Route.

      Sample static route configuration:
      Network: any-ipv4
      Interface: vxlan_tunnel
      Leaked from Virtual Router: Global
      Gateway: vxlan_tunnel_gw
      Tunneled: false
      Metric: 2

    vxlan_tunnel_gw is the data subnet's gateway IP address.