Deploy Cluster on Azure with NLB Using an Azure Resource Manager Template

Deploy the cluster for Azure NLB using the customized Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template.


Step 1

Prepare the template.

  1. Clone the github repository to your local folder. See

  2. Modify azure_ftdv_nlb_cluster.json and azure_ftdv_nlb_cluster_parameters.json with the required parameters.

Step 2

Log into the Azure Portal:

Step 3

Create a Resource Group.

  1. In the Basics tab, choose the Subscription and Resource Group from the drop-down lists.

  2. Choose the required Region.

Step 4

Create a virtual network with 5 subnets: Management, Diagnostic, Inside, Outside, and Cluster Control Link.

  1. Create the virtual network.

    1. In the Basics tab, choose the Subscription and Resource Group from the drop-down lists.

    2. b) Choose the required Region. Click Next: IP addresses.

  2. Add the subnets.

    In the IP Addresses tab, click Add subnet and add the following subnets – Management, Diagnostic, Inside, Outside, and Cluster Control Link.

Step 5

Deploy the custom template.

  1. Click Create > Template deployment (deploy using custom templates).

  2. Click Build your own template in the editor.

  3. Click Load File, and upload azure_ftdv_nlb_cluster.json.

  4. Click Save.

Step 6

Configure the instance details.

  1. Enter the required values and then click Review + create.


    For the cluster control link starting and ending addresses, specify only as many addresses as you need (up to 16). A larger range can affect performance.

  2. Click Create after the validation is passed.

Step 7

After the instance is running, verify the cluster deployment by logging into any one of the nodes and using the show cluster info command.

show cluster info
show cluster info

Step 8

In the Azure Portal, click the Function app to register the cluster to the management center.


If you do not want to use the Function app, you can alternatively register the control node with the Management Center directly by using Add > Device (not Add > Cluster). The rest of the cluster nodes will register automatically.

Step 9

Create FTPS Credentials by clicking Deployment Center > FTPS credentials > User scope > Configure Username and Password, and then click Save.

Step 10

Upload the file to the Function app by executing the following curl command in the local terminal.

curl -X POST -u username --data-binary @"" https://


The curl command might take a few minutes (~2 to 3 minutes) to complete command execution.

The function will be uploaded to the Function app. The function will start, and you can see the logs in the storage account’s outqueue. The device registration with the Management Center will be initiated.