Create the Day0 Configuration With a Customized Configuration for Azure

You can enter the entire cluster bootstrap configuration using commands.

	"AdminPassword": "password",
	"FirewallMode": "Routed",
	"ManageLocally": "No",
	"Diagnostic": "OFF",    //For deployment of version 7.4.1 and later without Diagnostics template, set this parameter to OFF.
	"FmcIp": "<FMC_IP>",
	"FmcNatId": "<NAT_ID>",
	"Cluster": {
		"CclSubnetRange": "ip_address_start ip_address_end",
		"ClusterGroupName": "cluster_name",
		"HealthProbePort": "port_number",
		"GatewayLoadBalancerIP": "ip_address",
		"EncapsulationType": "vxlan",
		"InternalPort": "internal_port_number",
		"ExternalPort": "external_port_number",
		"InternalSegId": "internal_segment_id",
		"ExternalSegId": "external_segment_id"


A sample day 0 configuration for version 7.4 and later is given below.

	"AdminPassword": "Sup3rnatural",
	"Hostname": "clusterftdv",
	"FirewallMode": "routed",
	"ManageLocally": "No",
	"Diagnostic": "OFF",    //For deployment of version 7.4.1 and later without Diagnostics template, set this parameter to OFF.
	"FmcIp": "<FMC_IP>",
	"FmcNatId": "<NAT_ID>",
	"run_config": [
		"cluster interface-mode individual force",
		"policy-map global_policy",
		"class inspection_default",
		"no inspect h323 h225",
		"no inspect h323 ras",
		"no inspect rtsp",
		"no inspect skinny",
		"interface Management0/0",
		"nameif management",
		"security-level 0",
		"ip address dhcp",
		"interface GigabitEthernet0/0",
		"no shutdown",
		"nameif vxlan_tunnel",
		"security-level 0",
		"ip address dhcp",
		"interface GigabitEthernet0/1",
		"no shutdown",
		"nve-only cluster",
		"nameif ccl_link",
		"security-level 0",
		"ip address dhcp",
		"interface vni1",
		"description Clustering Interface",
		"segment-id 1",
		"vtep-nve 1",
		"interface vni2",
		"proxy paired",
		"nameif GWLB-backend-pool",
		"internal-segment-id 800",
		"external-segment-id 801",
		"internal-port 2000",
		"external-port 2001",
		"security-level 0",
		"vtep-nve 2",
		"object network ccl#link",
		"range",                         //mandatory user input
		"object-group network cluster#group",
		"network-object object ccl#link",
		"nve 1 ",
		"encapsulation vxlan",
		"source-interface ccl_link",
		"peer-group cluster#group",
		"nve 2 ",
		"encapsulation vxlan",
		"source-interface vxlan_tunnel",
		"peer ip <GatewayLoadbalancerIP>",
		"cluster group ftdv-cluster",                         //mandatory user input
		"local-unit 1",
		"cluster-interface vni1 ip",
		"priority 1",
		"mtu vxlan_tunnel 1454",
		"mtu ccl_link 1454"

A sample day 0 configuration for version 7.3 and earlier is given below.

	"AdminPassword": "Sup3rnatural",
	"Hostname": "clusterftdv",
	"FirewallMode": "routed",
	"ManageLocally": "No",
	"FmcIp": "<FMC_IP>",
	"FmcNatId": "<NAT_ID>",
	"run_config": [
		"cluster interface-mode individual force",
		"policy-map global_policy",
		"class inspection_default",
		"no inspect h323 h225",
		"no inspect h323 ras",
		"no inspect rtsp",
		"no inspect skinny",
		"interface Management0/0",
		"nameif management",
		"security-level 0",
		"ip address dhcp",
		"interface GigabitEthernet0/0",
		"no shutdown",
		"nameif vxlan_tunnel",
		"security-level 0",
		"ip address dhcp",
		"interface GigabitEthernet0/1",
		"no shutdown",
		"nve-only cluster",
		"nameif ccl_link",
		"security-level 0",
		"ip address dhcp",
		"interface vni1",
		"description Clustering Interface",
		"segment-id 1",
		"vtep-nve 1",
		"interface vni2",
		"proxy paired",
		"nameif GWLB-backend-pool",
		"internal-segment-id 800",
		"external-segment-id 801",
		"internal-port 2000",
		"external-port 2001",
		"security-level 0",
		"vtep-nve 2",
		"object network ccl#link",
		"range",                         //mandatory user input
		"object-group network cluster#group",
		"network-object object ccl#link",
		"nve 1 ",
		"encapsulation vxlan",
		"source-interface ccl_link",
		"peer-group cluster#group",
		"nve 2 ",
		"encapsulation vxlan",
		"source-interface vxlan_tunnel",
		"peer ip <GatewayLoadbalancerIP>",
		"cluster group ftdv-cluster",                         //mandatory user input
		"local-unit 1",
		"cluster-interface vni1 ip",
		"priority 1",
		"mtu vxlan_tunnel 1454",
		"mtu ccl_link 1554"

If you are copying and pasting the configuration given above, ensure that you remove //mandatory user input from the configuration.